Welcome to my personal blog! Through the ages, there have been many thinkers, who have questioned every aspect of nature and pondered upon the very existence of this Universe. These are the people who gave birth to intriguing philosophy and magnificent ideas. We are super advanced primates in comparison to our genetic cousins, the kind which went on to become explorers of the Universe. You have landed on the online residence of one such exploratory primate. Welcome aboard on this journey though the infinite cosmic landscape. We are traveling not just through space, but also in time…

“What we do in life, echoes in Eternity”


I am Abhinav Roy, an aspiring Computational Materials Scientist. I am currently a PhD student in the department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University.

This blog is my personal online residence where I share my knowledge and ideas on a wide variety of topics, especially the ones which I find absolutely fascinating. My interests range from Astronomy, Anthropology, Psychology, Ancient History, to Philosophy, Mathematics, Materials Science, Classical Music, and so on.

I plan to share with the world all the knowledge and experiences I gain by interacting with other learned and wise humans, and I hope that the insights gathered on this grand cosmic conundrum from the perspective of one such enthusiastic exploratory primate will be of interest to others…


I work in the domain of Computational Materials Science (CMS). This area of research mainly deals with modeling and simulation of various material properties of interest for different engineering applications.  I am fascinated by this area of research because of the high inter-disciplinary nature of the work. I am currently involved in the study of corrosion in metallic alloys using multiscale simulation techniques such as Kinetic Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory. In the past I have worked in a subdomain of CMS called Phase-Field Modelling, which involves the description microstructures of materials using mathematical models. Computational Materials Science is considered as one of the three pillars of scientific endeavor in materials research, complementing the other two pillars, namely experimental and theoretical approach. 


1. Phase-field study of surface diffusion enhanced break-ups of nanowire junctions

2. Effect of Dislocation Networks on Precipitate Morphology in Maraging Steels


Phase-field modeling

This is my research blog dedicated to phase-field modeling, which is the first of its kind. In this blog I discuss the intricacies of Scientific Computing, and further discuss some of the details of phase-field modeling. This blog serves as a staring point for someone who wants to explore this field and also provides some crucial background information for understanding two of my publications in this subdomain of CMS.

I have also published some of the codes implementing the phase-field models I developed during my summer internship at the Computational Materials Engineering Group, IIT Bombay.

Scientific Computing

This is a technical blog dedicated to the latest trends and developments in the computational sciences. The intricacies of scientific computing are discussed in blog posts. This blog also hosts a captivating gallery consisting of scientific data visualization using various visualizations packages and modules. Finally, you can also find links to open-source codes distributed for free (both in libre and gratis sense of the word) in order to support the open source initiative.

Do visit the website to gain more knowledge on the trending scientific field of the 21st century


This is a blog where I write about some of the latest developments in Science & Technology, my insights on the Culture & Society, and my offbeat perspective on some general stuff!

Feel free to read the blog if you wish to view the world from an eccentric viewpoint…


We fear what we do not know. Fear of the unknown is probably the greatest fear a sentient being can experience. That sinister ominous cloud of doubt looming over our heads, constantly making us anxious to venture into the dark and search for answers to the unanswered questions.

This is a blog where I share my philosophical thoughts, and try to articulate my musings regarding some of the most perplexing problems faced by humans ranging from consciousness, randomness, life and beyond…  



I have shared some of my favourite podcasts and music playlists for you to listen to while browsing the site!


I would love to have an intellectual conversation with you on any topic imaginable! You can mail me at connect@abhinavroy.in, or you can use the contact form below.